Saturday, April 24, 2010


Wednesday I had my very first interview. I think I'd rather pull out my finger nails than do that again, but life doesn't work that way...
I can't stand having to "sell" myself like that. That's part of the reason i majored in writing. I don't like talking, I'd much rather write. Ask me all those questions and I will write you eloquent, thought out answers, but if I have to answer you verbally, I'm going to freeze up. That's just the way it is. I know it was a good experience, though, because whether I like it or not, that won't be the only interview I have in my life.
Unfortunately, I have a presentation in my British Literature class this Thursday, so I'll have to do more talking this time in front of a group of people. Again, I think I'd rather shrivel up and die. Why must teachers force this upon students? I wish I could just write a paper... Well, I do have to do that too, so I better go write some more of that....
I cannot wait for this semester to be over.

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