Thursday, December 2, 2010


Before it got all cold and snowy here, my fiancé and I made one last trip up to the mountains. I convinced him to stop and let me take photos of a graveyard on our way back down the mountain. Maybe it's weird - I don't know - but I think the shapes and colors of the older gravestones are interesting. Plus, sometimes one finds interesting things on the stones.

I thought this design was beautiful - especially with the varying shades of gray. :)

I like the curving lines in this photo. And the stones in the background.

This next photo I did not take for its aesthetic interest, because it is not interesting at all in that sense. It was a plain headstone, a different color from all the others - light tan instead of gray. The only thing written on it were the initials S.L. I am very intrigued by this stone. Who is S.L.? Why are there no dates, and only initials on the stone? Why is it a different material than all the others? I'm so intrigued, I may just write a story about it.

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