Friday, December 24, 2010


Tosca Lee's second novel tells the story of Eve, the first woman. Lee's lyrical prose tells of the first man and women in the Garden, their temptation, and fall. Lee then goes on to tell their story as they wander from the Garden and struggle to live in the fallen world. Through Havah's (Eve's) eyes, the reader learns about the beginning of mankind as a family is begun, and multiplies. Then the reader weeps with Havah and Adam as they witness the first death.

This is a story that at first we think we know well, until we read Lee's story and realize we hardly know it at all. Tosca Lee left me weeping and laughing, and wondering what it would have been like to live in a world such as Adam and Havah lived in. I could hardly keep myself from reading the book all at once. I could not pry my fingers from the pages, and the beautiful story occupied my thoughts long after.

Just as Tosca Lee's first novel, Demon, changed the way I thought about the fall of angels, Havah has changed, forever, the way I will think about the fall of man, and the story that followed. This is the kind of book I dream of writing - it kept me up reading, made me think, weep, and laugh. Someday, I will write something like this, but I can only dream of writing it as well as Tosca Lee does.


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